Best Teacher Ever

The box of tasty treats arrived. A complete surprise, this thoughtful gift from my sister living in London was delivered right to my door. I could still feel the warmth through the container as I set this treasure chest of fresh-baked cookies down on the kitchen counter. Simply decorated with ribbon and bow, my eye was drawn to the miniature mylar balloon securely fasted on a stick, resembling a lollipop. On it, a message written in script caused me to pause with a hint of embarrassment.

“Best Teacher Ever”

While I use a good superlative from time to time, this is one phrase that is not part of my regular vocabulary. Knowing this is a standard balloon that can be added to any order from Tiff’s Treats, it was easy to not over personalize it. Even still, I remained incredibly grateful for my sister’s thoughtfulness. It made my heart happy after a long day.

I watched as my children’s eyes grew wide admiring the selection of cookies in front of them. Cookies with chocolate chips, m&ms, and cinnamon/sugar were layered between strategically placed tissues, inviting us closer with each sugary waft. As I gave the approval for a midday treat, each child wasted no time diving in and indulging. Their minds had completely been diverted the minute their mouths tasted the delicious dessert, but my mind stayed with the balloon.

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For the past several months, I’ve set plans and preferences aside to prepare for an 8th grade class that I’m leading this year. This new responsibility was in addition to finalizing the regular lesson plans for my own four children that we Homeschool. While it has taken much out of me physically and emotionally, I recognize that similar to anything we dedicate our energy to, the challenge has been a gift in return.

For some reason, this insignificant balloon actually became quite significant to me this week. As a mom, it honestly feels like we simply do not receive the same amount of affirmation as other professions. I know that to be true, because the number of women seeking affirmation from a myriad of sources outside the home is growing by the minute, and I feel my heart tugged in the same direction regularly. Much of the daily logistics, preparations, and internal dialogue goes unseen and unnoticed; however, we must not be deceived. The fruit of our investment, or lack thereof, will always be visible. As you sit today praying, contemplating, and wrestling through school plans this year, may I remind you of something extremely important?

You are your child’s primary teacher. There is nothing that someone else can teach, say, or give that will compare to the value of your presence in your child’s life. What does that mean?

Your voice will be heard the loudest.

Your influence will be felt the greatest.

Your instruction will hold the most weight.

Does that mean that other voices are not important? On the contrary, we are created with a need to have a village of voices that we trust feeding and helping to shape the hearts of our children. But, as for teaching, you are the best one for the job. This job may include but is definitely not limited to Math, Science and Literature. The teaching that you have been created for has not one thing to do with grades, homework or lesson plans. If you are like me, that is great news!

If you put your children in a full day school, don’t forget you are still the primary teacher for the areas of the heart.

If you decide to do distance learning online, don’t forget you are still the primary teacher for the areas of the heart.

If you Homeschool, don’t forget you are still the primary teacher for the areas of the heart.

You are uniquely knit together to listen, help, and nurture the hearts of the children in your home. Whatever age, whatever stage - they need you, even if they aren’t able to voice it.

So, then, what are your children learning from you?

How do you want to invest in the hearts of your children this year? Nothing can get in the way of it, but it will most assuredly be challenging. Just know that you aren’t the only one struggling to press on. Through it all - keep in mind there is great value in the challenging, less-than-glamorous, ordinary days.

On those not-so-great days this school year, remind yourself of the calling on your life. This is the one job you were created for by a loving God who sees all things, knows all things, and knits all things together for your good his glory.

Picture me standing outside of your door with fresh baked warm delectable cookies, a mini balloon, and a compassionate look accompanying a reassuring smile. Know I’ll be cheering for you this year and every year, reminding you that at the end of the day, you are the “Best Teacher Ever”!