Chase the Fun

The cold wore my emotions and nerves thin. The dense grey skies defined my mental state most days. The noise from three kids in a two bedroom apartment amplified, as if we were living life in the Lincoln Tunnel.

Becoming a mom and living life in New York City, far far away from the spacious house, sprawling backyard, and warm sun I knew growing up, February became the most difficult month of the year for me by far.

In order to get through the never-ending days, I would pour every ounce of energy into creative outlets within those walls for fun. I began searching for things equally life-giving for everyone that helped us trudge through the frigid winter days with a smile.

A few seasons removed from those early mom years, I still struggle in February to keep the motivation consistent in our family routines and to remember to smile through the daily to-do’s. The wants and wishes for different circumstances and weather alike can creep in and wreak havoc on our minds and hearts. I recently heard the term “chase the fun”, as coined by Annie Downs in her podcast That Sounds Fun. I can’t think of a better goal in February.

Chase the fun.

As a mom who now has the privilege of teaching grammar for each child, the word chase is an active verb, not passive, and in this above sentence the you is implied.

(You), chase the fun. Want me to diagram it for you?

Chasing the fun requires an intentional mindset to live fully today. It demands making the choice to seek out that which forms a smile, invites a laugh, or creates a memory.

Living fully where you are calls for you to fully embrace where God has you today. You cannot live a life fully which you cannot embrace fully. He promises this season was designed with great intention and care, and that means we can live it with great intention trusting in his purposes for it.

How can you chase fun this month? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

I would love to hear your ideas! Leave some below for those stopping by and take an idea with you as you go.

What is one way you can choose to ‘chase the fun’ this month?