Cultivating Fertile Soil

A little over two years ago, after we moved to Texas from New York, one of our daughters began to experience awful migraines in the middle of the night. They would consistently wake her up around 3am, but after taking copious notes of when they occurred in relation to other factors, there was no consistent pattern. Eventually we found it prudent to rule out anything major, and we were sent to see a neurologist. After an MRI, we were relieved to hear that nothing had been found and her MRI was clear. Of course we were so grateful, but the questions remained unanswered and still do.

When we are faced with unanswered questions, there is something in us that drives our desire to keep searching. We want answers or at least signs that whatever we are doing is working. We want to see fruit.

In trying to find some relief for my daughter, we considered the food we were eating. You don’t need me to be one more person to tell you that what we eat matters, but what is more often forgotten is the importance of the soil. It is the soil in which the food grows that determines the quality of nutrients you receive. One potato is not created equal with another grown in a different soil. The term ‘organic’ is not just a product of the external care of a fruit, but also testifies to the quality of the soil.

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In the book, Dirt Cure, Maya Shetreat-Klein, a pediatric neurologist says,

“We are only as healthy as the soil our food grows in.”

Throughout the book, I underlined a number of valuable facts for easy reference, but I was amazed how much was applicable to other areas of our lives as well. Each of us have goals and desires for healthy fruit in our lives, but perhaps we easily forget that we need to start with cultivating a fertile soil for fruit to take root and grow.

  • If you want to be more disciplined and wake up earlier, then it might look like going to bed earlier and engaging the ‘Auto Start’ button on your coffee maker. Trust me, it helps.

  • If you desire to connect with others on a deeper level, then it may require for you to slow down and to create space for those conversations that matter. The ‘too busy’ life will leave you frustrated and feeling isolated.

  • If you long for a greater depth in your marriage, then it may mean having to say no to other good things and saying yes to pioritizing time together. Even just 15 uninterrupted minutes on the couch each night can work wonders!

  • If you yearn for a relationship with your children, then it could require you to stay up past your bedtime, so that conversations can be cultivated in the quiet setting of bedtime. It’s difficult the older they get, but worth a try.

Whatever the If/Then statements are in your life, we all need the reminder that good fruit and healthy soil requires constant intentionality.

It is also important to note that if you believe in Jesus as not just a wise teacher, but as the Son of God, then it does not mean simply striving harder to grow certain fruit, but allowing the Spirit of God who lives in you to work to this end. It is the Holy Spirit who keeps the soil of your heart fertile and soft enough to desire Truth in the first place, and to bear the fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22). While we cannot cultivate this fruit on our own, there are ways to actively cultivate healthier soil in our daily lives, so that our heart posture remains teachable, humble, and fertile for growth.

Stay intentional.

Abide in Him by abiding in his Word.

Remain consistent in prayer.

Start here and see where the journey takes you. I would love to hear about it.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. What fruit do you desire to see your life? In your marriage? In your children? In your relationships?

  2. What is the main source of information that you use as a guide to inform your decisions? Does it appeal to what you want to hear or is it rooted in truth?

  3. What toxins or barriers do you need to get rid of in order to cultivate a healthier soil? Are there areas you need to fast from in order to detox your system, quiet the noise, or stimulate growth more effectively in those areas?

  4. Have you considered pursuing the Word of God more deeply for answers, and simply asking that God help you discern next steps? Take some time to pray for the specific fruit you desire to see in your life and relationships.

  5. Are you seeing fruit being produced with faith and trust over time? Pause and celebrate. He is a faithful God and a reliable gardener.