Back to School Bundle: Plans, Processes and Prayers

Over the 12 years I’ve schooled from home, a few things remain consistent each year. I know that I should plan as I intend to go and usually have the best of intentions. However, I also know there are two key pieces to a successful year: the vision and the execution.


I, myself, am better at the vision and have to fight for a consistent execution. Anyone else? So, in an effort to come alongside of you, I thought it would be helpful to share the three P’s that serve as a guide through each new school year:

  1. Prayer

  2. Plans

  3. Processes

Within each category, I’ll share a tip to try and a pitfall to avoid as well as some helpful resources.


1. A Vision Verse.

Before entering into planning mode, spend time in scripture. While you can create your vision however you desire, I have loved selecting a Bible verse that will guide our school year. One year we used:

“… whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8 ESV

This year, our verse is:

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:5-6


  • Allow your vision verse to give you vocabulary as you counsel, pray, and navigate your school year.

  • Consider memorizing the verse as a family.

  • Turn your verse into a prayer for each family member.


Just select one overarching verse for each year or each season. Pray about it. Select one, then allow it to guide your mind, heart, and soul to focus on first things first.

2. Character Training.

Another area I pray about before I start planning is each individual child.


Reflect on the following questions and write down your answers:

  • What are they struggling with in that season?

  • What is one area that I want to pray over and work towards?

  • What is an area of development that I would like to see them work on during the year?

There is an abundance of character traits to cover, it is important to select one specific character trait for each of my children per school year. For more information and resources on character training, read THIS POST.


In an effort to not overwhelm your child or present crushing expectations, keep it to one.

3. Daily Prayer Calendar.


Use THIS FREE template download to help you daily pray specific character traits for each child and to get an idea of verses to use.


Don’t over complicate this. If the calendar helps you, use it. If it overwhelms you, don’t.



Planning can take many forms. Let’s be honest, not all plans come to fruition. While I remain careful to record daily commitments in pencil, there are some plans that can be fulfilled no matter what is happening around you. Those plans for me are always written in pen, and set a sure foundation for a successful year.

I have created two free resources to help you set the vision for the school year ahead. One is for your overall school year (think big picture) and one allows you to focus on each individual child. As always, these are meant to be a tool to help guide you.




Decide which plans should be written in pencil, signifying they are loosely held intentions, and which plans should be written in pen. Pencil = open-handed. Pen = non-negotiables.


Don’t forget to go back and reassess. All plans are just that - initial intentions to set you off on the path you intend to follow. Even though they are written in pen, go back to reassess every three to six weeks to make sure you are still trekking on the path you want to follow. Then, re-adjust or pivot accordingly.


Now it is time for the execution. How do the plans we make become a reality in our daily lives?

One day at a time.



  • Create a rhythm that makes time for what you value most. To help you order your time, download THIS FREE PRACTICAL GUIDE and begin now to make time for what matters most.

  • To help you execute well, find accountability. Share with a friend, your spouse, and/or your child.

  • Consider including your children in the process of planning as it allows them the opportunity to take ownership of their academic learning and their character development.

  • Pray through your plans and vision with your children. Allow them to see the faithfulness of God as he walks you through and leads you through the upcoming school year.


Don’t forget to celebrate the growth! It doesn’t need to be perfect to celebrate progress. And, stop comparing. Your rhythms, family needs, and plans will look differently than your neighbor and that’s great!

This is the year!

PRAY about a direction for your family.

Write down PLANS to help you execute, then

Manage your time in order to live out the PROCESS one day at a time.