3 Ways for Busy Moms to Consistently Flourish in Their Faith

Our calendar consistently needs more margin, especially this time of year. As spring activities and school events dominate, it’s easy to feel like a participant in a mad dash toward the finish line. Yet the busy seasons never entirely finish, do they? With New Year’s a distant past, the last thing we tend to make time for is a consistent pattern of spiritual formation.

Solitude? Quiet? Prayer? We know we need them, but finding space for them remains pretty challenging. Yet it matters not only for the health of our souls but also for the health of our families. So, here are three ways for busy moms to consistently flourish in their faith, creating space for the seemingly impossible yet spiritually essential.

  1. Choose the good Master.

We prefer not to think of ourselves as slaves, yet scripture reminds us that there are a good number of things we tend to serve as competing masters to God. Much of my life has been lived for the kingdom of self, touting productivity as the price of admission. It served me well until the praise of man waned and burnout levels soared.

Money in my self-made kingdom has reigned at other times, tempting me to trust in its deceitful provision over the steadfast promises of a faithful God. My heart beats at an anxiety-filled pace while my eyes seek satisfaction in numerous fleeting loves, and I risk missing God’s gifts in my life.

It may not cross our minds that when we live for the temporary over the eternal, we are choosing to live for another master. However, Jesus warns us to assess where we set our love, not because those areas are lackluster but because they make terrible masters.

So, as we seek a life that flourishes in faith, first identify what tends to enslave your heart, fade your joy, and fuel your worry. Acknowledge their lack, then remember your Good Master who provides what you need in abundance.

As you reject the tempting allure of lesser masters, rejoice that God provides for your every need as the Good Master, feeding you in the nourishment of His Word and sustaining you to flourish in your faith when you trust in Him.

To read the full article on Family Christian Online, CLICK HERE.