Posts in Homeschooling Pre-K
Curriculum: Where to start?

While having Homeschooled at least one child each year for 9 years (going on 10 this fall), I have also put two children in public school for several years. Each had pros and cons as with all things. All of that to say, it is a journey and I believe your personal mental and physical health, your children’s needs, and your families priorities all play a part in making the decision that’s right for you.

The same is true in choosing curriculum.

Here I give you a brief snapshot by grade level of what our curriculum choices are this year. Use them as a jumping off point for your kids and don’t forget to stay true to who you are!

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Tips to Survive Schooling from Home

Whether you ever thought you would be reading a post about schooling from home or not is irrelevant.

Here are a few things I want to encourage you to consider as you look to the immediate future. This is written for both parents who are not planning to Homeschool full-time and those who are committed to an alternative way of learning. Please know each of these guiding principles are essential for any parent schooling from home, even if you find yourself in the toddler years!

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Keep It Simple

If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a million times. The key to homeschooling littles well is to “KEEP IT SIMPLE”. Why is that so hard? I think one reason is because we never know if what we are doing is enough. I am guilty of trying everything under the sun.

Here I share one of my favorite activities to do at home with toddlers and Pre-K aged children. It’s a great starting point for anyone wanting to be more intentional at home with their little ones.

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