Posts in Stewardship
10 Strategies to Connect With Your Child Through the Art of Conversation

As parents who desire connection with our children at a deeper level, it’s helpful to remember that there are layers to a conversation, much like water. We have a choice: slowly wade into the shallow or dive headfirst into the deep. Since not all circumstances allow for diving into the deep, here are ten strategies to better connect with your child and foster the art of conversation.

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How To Keep Giving When You Lack Time and Money

My budget shows red, and my energy is overdrawn. As the spring recedes and gives way to summer, I feel like I’m running low on all of my resources.

This passage from the gospel of Mark reminded me of a woman who gave out of her poverty not abundance, and I wonder if it might have a word for us as we seek to keep giving despite our lack.

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Stewarding Our Gifts of Service With Endurance

My husband and daughter recently returned from a trip to Guatemala with our church for a week long mission trip. To hear them recount stories, full of inspiring God-glorifying conversations and scenery alike, produced in me a longing to serve on mission as well. At times, in fact, it most assuredly sounds better to visit another continent altogether to serve short-term, rather than continue in daily acts of service. Doesn’t it?

Yet God continually calls us to steward our service first within the walls of our homes. So, how can we press on with confidence and endurance? Read here.

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Spring Cleaning: 3 Ways to Tidy Up Your Time and Cultivate a Fruitful Life

The time for spring cleaning is near, but have you ever thought of tidying up your time?

I know what you are thinking:

  • How can I tidy my time?

  • How can I continue to make progress if I allow rest to hold prominence?

  • How can I remain faithful to the goals I set at the beginning of the year?

  • How can I know what areas of my life need to be addressed this season?

I’m glad you asked. Read here and find out.

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Three Ways to Shape Your Child's Heart Toward Generosity

There is no better time to begin shaping your child’s heart for generosity than now. The holiday season ushers us into the spirit of giving like none other, yet it’s threatened by our desires to get. We all feel the tension.

So, as parents, how can we model generosity as a family at this time of year and beyond? Here are three helpful ways I’ve found to do just that, along with some resources to get you started.

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Finding “Crack” Time

Is your to-do list long, intention high, and calendar full?

I am finding myself in a season where my margin for time is opening up little by little and I want to steward it well. Many days I get lost doing something that brings no value whatsoever to my life. We need a good mindless distraction from time to time, but now that my goal list is growing, I need to be increasingly intentional about the margin time of my days. It is the “crack time”, so I’ve heard it called with a chuckle.

We can use the crack time to fill back up so that we can continue to pour out, but we must find it. Look for it. Seek it out.

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